Clinical Director and Chief Diabetologist at Sweet Clinics, Vashi.Sweet Clinics is a Centre dedicated for Comprehensive Diabetes management, Where all facilities for tests necessary for a Diabetic patients are provided along with super specialist consultation.
A competent professional consultant with an experience of over 15 years in the areas of:
- Diabetes management
- Management of Diabetes related complications
- Management of Thyroid Disorders
- Industrial Medicine Consultant
- Managing Diabetes and all diabetes related complications including Nephropathy,Neuropathy,Retinopathy,CVD etc.
- Managing Type 1 Diabetes in children and its complications.
- Managing acute diabetic emergencies like Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hypoglycaemia etc.
- Managing Diabetes in pregnancy.
- Managing Diabetic Foot disorders.
- Managing Thyroid disorders (Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid) disorders in adults
2009 Associate Fellowship in Industrial Health, CLI Mumbai.
2002 Diploma in Diabetology from TN Medical College, Mumbai University, Mumbai
1997 MBBS from Terna Medical College, Mumbai University, Thane.
Other Course:
- Advanced course in thyroid disorder management.
- Acute Life Threatening Event Recognition and Treatment, UK.
- Patient Safety and Clinical Risk Management.
- American Diabetes Association
- Endocrine Society of America
- United Diabetes Forum
RSSDI 2018
Real World Effectiveness of a Digital Therapeutic in improving SMBG and Managing Blood Glucose Levels among Patients with Type-2 Diabetes in India
- Indian Phenotype Registry
- A Non-interventional nationwide registry to identify Indian Phenotype characteristics in Diabetes Mellitus patients in India done in 2018 in association with AstraZeneca Pharma in 2018.
- INSIGHT – A Non-Interventional Study To Evaluate Diabetes Related Quality Of Life, Frequency and Impact Of Hypoglycemia In Type 2 Diabetes Patients On Pharmacotherapy (INSIGHT) done with Norwich Clinical services.
- Winover trial- PMS on triple drug anti hypertensive drug combination
- IMPROVE – premixed insulin analogue and its long term effect by Novonordisk
- ON TARGET – Trial on premixed insulin combination and its effect on target organs, by Novonordisk in 2006
- IMPROVE – Trial on insulin analogue as part & its effect on HbA1c by Novonordisk in 2007
- LANTUS – Maintaining SPARSH registry for insulin analogue.
Organized & Conducted:
- Diagnostic diabetes camps
- Diabetic health camps
- Educational activities for Juvenile Diabetic Patients.
- Educational seminars on hazards of Obesity at various schools at Navi Mumbai.
- General medical camp for underprivileged children at NM Muncipal School.
- Associated with NGO Aarambh for sponsoring the education of a girl child.